Sunday, December 13, 2020

Natural Killers Linked to Overall Survival in Cancer

A meta analysis of tumor samples, collected between 1973 and 2016, in 53 studies confirmed overall survival (OS) correlated with Natural Killer cell infiltration into solid tumors. The number of NK cells infiltrating solid tumors, including those considered “highly ”infiltrated was relatively low, compared with other immune populations. Notwithstanding, the presence of a single NK cell, within a high powered microscopic field was associated with significantly improved OS and disease free survival in colorectal cancer, HER2 + breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma.

The finding supports the prospect that single tumor infiltrating NK cells, in a sampled tissue can be determinative for OS. By inference a single tumor infiltrating NK cell or cells possess characteristics that are relative to OS and beneficial to patient.  

NK cell surface receptors are densely varied defining at least 30,000 unique NK cell populations within each individual. NK cell classifications, relative to tumor infiltration and OS is enormously complex, especially at this scale and present definitions of activating and inhibiting receptor combinations underwhelm. To identify NK cells that have infiltrated or may be capable of infiltrating a patient tumor to improve OS we focused on biopsied tumor tissue selections whether or not they include NK cells.

Our work is with two tumor types in humanized mice. Multiple sections of each tumor were resected and divided into multiple parts for coculture with allogenic naïve, IL2 and probiotic enhanced NK cells and for DNA sequencing. After coculture NK cell cytotoxicity and other detailed measures resulting from each resected section and from single cells were assessed. Presently sequencing of DNA from each resected, divided section (pre-coculture) is focused on comparisons derived from TP53.

In the final stage NK cells will be cocultured with resected tumor tissue and will be made to challenge new tumor tissue and single cells, from the resected tumor from which the NK coculture was derived. The objective will be whether Codondex analysis of TP53 DNA sequencing can predict the most successful tumor tissue candidates based upon the most effective cocultured NK cell challenge to the tumor derived tissue or cells. 

If Codondex algorithm is found to identify a direct or indirect logic for tissue or cell selection that is effective in vitro our work will continue to next stage in vivo testing and analysis on similar grounds. 



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