Showing posts with label intron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intron. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

P53 - Stability and Life Or Disorder and Death!

Chromosomal stability is central to good health, but the push and shove war of genesis, division, transcription, replication and restraint can promote disorder. Disruption can also be retained resulting in ageing, reduced organ function or diseases that often follow. Recently a man escaped his genetic predisposition, to becoming a victim of Alzheimer's disease, illustrating how far we are from understanding even the most well studied conditions. 

Active or passive, mobile Transposable Elements (TE) represent around 40-50% of the human genome and around 30% are found in the non-coding introns of genes. The first intron is conserved as a site of downstream methylation with an inverse relationship to transcription and gene expression. Our understanding of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) suggests one of its primary functions is the restraint of mobile TE's. Several species of ncRNA are associated with this restraint and genomic stability, most contain p53 binding sites that are also known to be involved in tumor suppression. 

Of the short ncRNA species, LINE-1 (L1), siRNAs are typically 21-23 nucleotides long and play a role in silencing L1 transcripts, thus preventing retro-transposition. p53 binds the L1 promoter to restrict autonomous copies of these mobile elements in human cells. Alu elements are the most abundant transposable elements (capable of shifting their positions) containing over one million copies dispersed throughout the human genome. As little as 0.7% sequence divergence resulted in a significant reduction in recombination after double stranded breaks. piRNAs, usually 26-31 nucleotides, derived from Alu repeats restrain transposable elements. Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) can give rise to microRNAs (miRNAs) of 22 nucleotides, that can regulate the expression of ERV sequences and other cellular genes.  

TE's serve as templates for the generation of p53- binding-sites on a genome-wide scale . The formation of the p53 binding motifs was facilitated via methylation and deamination that distributes  p53-binding sites and recruits new target genes to its regulatory network in a species-specific manner. This p53 mechanism conducts genomic restraint, where instability and loss or mutation of p53 are commonly associated with hallmark's of cancer. 

Through a novel piRNA of the KIR3DL1 gene, antisense transcripts mediate Killer Ig-like receptor (KIR) transcriptional silencing in Natural Killer (NK) cell lineage that may be broadly used in orchestrating immune development. Silencing  individual KIR genes is strongly correlated with the presence of CpG dinucleotide methylation within the promoter. 

The emergence of recombination-activating genes (RAGs) in jawed vertebrates endowed adaptive immune cells with the ability to assemble a diverse set of antigen receptor genes. Innate NK cells are unable to express RAGs or RAG endonuclease activity during ontogeny. However, RAG expression in uncommitted hematopoietic progenitors and NK cell precursors mark functionally distinct subsets of NK cells in the periphery, a surprising and novel role for RAG in the functional specialization of the NK cell lineage. 

The p53 C-terminal including amino acids 360-393 of the full-length protein locate to the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and facilitate apoptosis. However fragments of p53 at amino acid 1-186 and 22-186 drive the most mitochondrial depolarization. Crystal structures demonstrate amino acid 239 binds 106 and 241 binds 105 for one p53 unit and 243 binds 103-264-265 for a second unit, which are both are required to bind BCL-xl for apoptosis.

p53 regulates the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I on cell surfaces. p53 peptides presented on HLA/MHC-I could attract immune surveillance as in the target-specific antitumor effects of p53 amino acids at positions 264-272, epitope 264scTCR with IL-2 on p53+/HLA-A2.1+ tumors that are primarily mediated by NK cells.  

Initially, NK cells might be activated due to the combined effect of reduced inhibition (due to decreased KIR3DL1) and increased activation signals from p53 epitopes. This NK cell activation could lead to the release of cytokines that not only enhance further NK activity but also attract and activate T cells. 

To summarize, p53 can influence both the presentation of its antigens through MHC-I and the regulation of NK cell inhibitory receptors like KIR3DL1 via piRNA. This could lead to a more effective immune response against cells with compromised p53 function, although the exact dynamics would depend on the specific context of cancer development, immune cell status, and individual genetic variations.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Pathogens And Immunity - Mutual Memories

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a regulator of Natural Killer (NK) cell activity in vivo and is increasingly recognized for its role in the differentiation and activity of immune cell subsets. AhR ligands found in the diet, can modulate the antitumor effector functions. In vivo administration of toxin FICZ, an AhR ligand, enhances NK cell control of tumors in an NK cell and AhR-dependent manner. Similar effects on NK cell potency occur with AhR dietary ligands, potentially explaining the numerous associations that have been observed in the past between diet and NK cell function. 

Dioxins bind AhR and translocate to the nucleus where they influence DNA transcription. The dioxin response element (DRE) is a DNA binding site for AhR that occurs widely through the genome. Activation of p53 by DNA damaging agents differentially regulates AhR levels. More than 40 samples, biopsied from 4 tumors, resolved in Codondex repetitive sequences of TP53. The highest ranking short Key Sequences (p53KS) were identified using specificity for repeats and were heavily clustered at two intron locations. Each were found to include DRE, palindromes and p53 quarter or half binding sites. 

Many palindromes in the genome are known as fragile sites, prone to chromosome breakage which can lead to various genetic rearrangements or cell death. The ability of certain palindromes to initiate genetic recombination lies in their ability to form secondary structures in DNA which can cause replication stalling and double-strand breaks. Given their recombinogenic nature, it is not surprising that palindromes in the human genome are involved in genetic rearrangements in cancer cells as well as other known recurrent translocations and deletions associated with certain syndromes in humans.

In severe combined immune deficiency (scid) survival of lymphocyte precursors, harboring broken V(D)J coding ends, is prolonged by p53 deficiency which allows for the accumulation of aneuploid cells. This demonstrated that a p53-mediated DNA damage checkpoint contributes to the immune deficiency characteristic of the scid mutation and limits the oncogenic potential of DSBs generated during V(D)J recombination.

Repetitive DNA sequences, including palindromes can transpose locations under certain conditions. These are thought to have evolved from pathogenic remnants, deposited as DNA in genes, that can be transcribed and folded, often at nucleotide repeats, to form double stranded DNA or RNA. TP53 is the most mutated gene in cancer. Many of its binding sites have evolved through recombination events and are predominantly located among repeats. Therefore, binding sites and mutation frequency may mutually pressure repetitive sequences, DNA breaks and responses to potentially conserve immune memory, for lymphocyte and NK cell precursors, but to also provide a DNA record of pathogen candidates, 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

When Immunity Fails Programmed Cell Death

DNA Damage Response

Telomeric repeat (TR) sequences are responsible for genome integrity, where instability is a primary factor that leads to activation of p53. Introduction of a TR into cells leads to stabilization of p53, specific to TRs and not observed in plasmids containing non-TR sequences. TR-activated p53 exhibited enhanced transcriptional activity and induced p53-dependent growth suppression, measured as a reduction in colony formation. Sub-telomeric p53 binding prevents accumulation of DNA damage at human telomeres.  

Healthy cells experience thousands of DNA lesions per day. Micronuclei, containing broken fragments of DNA or chromosomes, that have become isolated, are recognized as one mediator of DNA damage response (DDR)-associated immune recognition. Like micronuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is recognized by cGAS to drive STING-mediated inflammatory signaling. Mitochondrial damage can intersect DNA repair and inflammatory cascades with programmed cell death, through p53. In human fibroblasts and conditionally immortalized vascular smooth muscle cells p53 mediates CD54 (ICAM-1) overexpression in senescence.

Replicative senescence, an autophagy dependent program and crisis are anti-proliferative barriers that human cells must evade to gain immortality. Telomere-to-mitochondria signaling by ZBP1 mediates replicative crisis. Dysfunctional telomeres activate innate immune responses (IFN) through mitochondrial TR RNA (TERRA)–ZBP1 complexes. Senescence occurs when shortened telomeres elicit a p53 and RB dependent DNA-damage response. A crisis-associated isoform of ZBP1(innate immune sensor) is induced by the cGAS–STING DNA-sensing pathway, but reaches full activation only when associated with TERRA transcripts from dysfunctional telomeres. p53 utilizes the cGAS/STING innate immune system pathway for both cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic tumor suppressor activities. cGAS-STING activation induces the production of IFN-b and increases CD54 expression in  human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells.

In melanoma patients there is a significant correlation between cGAS expression levels and survival and between NK cell receptor expression levels and survival. Loss of cGAS expression by tumor cells could permit the tumor cell to circumvent senescence or prevent immunostimulatory NKG2D ligands expression. Loss of p53 and gain of oncogenic RAS exacerbated pro-malignant paracrine signaling activities of senescence-associated secretory phenotypes. Results imply that heterogeneity in cGAS activity, across tumors, could be an important predictor of cancer prognosis and response to treatment and suggest that NK cells could play an important role in mediating anti-tumor effects. Coculture of wild-type p53-induced human tumor cells with primary human NK cells enhanced NKG2D-dependent degranulation and IFN-γ production by NK cells. 

When p53 consensus sequences are modified and DNA damage response is compromised, replicative crisis ensues, mitochondrial membranes misfunction, mtDNA expression is downregulated and IFN signaling upregulates. A cell may then express activating immune ligands that bind NK receptors signaling non-self and cytolytic death or inhibitory receptors that signal self and immortality

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Can Ancient Pathways Defeat Cancer?

It has been widely acknowledged that non-coding RNAs are master-regulators of genomic function. The association between human introns and ncRNAs has a pronounced synergistic effect with important implications for fine-tuning gene expression patterns across the entire genome. There is also strong preference of ncRNA from intronic regions particularly associated with the transcribed strand. 

Accumulating evidence demonstrates that, analogous to other small ncRNAs (e.g. miRNAs, siRNA's etc.) piRNAs have both oncogenic and tumor suppressive roles in cancer development. Functionally, piRNAs maintain genomic integrity and cell age by silencing repetitive, transposable elements, and are capable of regulating the expression of specific downstream target genes in a post-transcriptional manner. 

Unlike miRNAs and siRNAs, the precursors of piRNAs are single stranded transcripts without any prominent secondary hairpin structures. These precursors are usually generated from specific genomic locations containing repetitive elements, a process that is typically orchestrated via a Dicer-independent pathway. 

Without restraint, the ancient, L1 class of transposable elements can interrupt the genome through insertions, deletions, rearrangements, and copy number variations. L1 activity has contributed to instability and evolution of genomes, and is tightly regulated by DNA methylation, histone modifications, and piRNA. They can impact genome variation by mispairing and unequal crossing-over during meiosis due to repetitive DNA sequences. Indeed meiotic double-strand breaks are the proximal trigger for retrotransposon eruptions as highlighted in animals lacking p53.

Through a novel 28-base small piRNA of the KIR3DL1 gene, antisense transcripts mediate Killer Ig-like receptor (KIR) transcriptional silencing in immune somatic, Natural Killer (NK) cell lineage, a mechanism that may be broadly used in orchestrating immune development. Expressed on NK cells, KIR's are important determinants of NK cell function. Silencing  individual KIR genes is strongly correlated with the presence of CpG dinucleotide methylation within the promoter. 

Structural research exposed the enormous binding complexity behind KIR haplotypes and HLA allotypes. Not only via protein structures, but also plasticity and selective binding behavior's as influenced by extrinsic factors. One study links a specific recognition of HLA-C*05:01 by KIR2DS4 receptor through a peptide highly conserved among bacteria pathogenic in humans. Another demonstrated a hierarchy of functional peptide selectivity by KIR–HLA-C interactions, including cross-reactive binding, with relevance to NK cell biology and human disease associations. Additionally a p53 peptide most overlapped other high performance peptides for a HLA-C allotype C*02:02 that shares identical contact residues with C*05:01.

Ancient pathways linking p53 to attenuation of aberrant stem cell proliferation may predate the divergence between vertebrates and invertebrates. Human stem cell proliferation, as determined by p53 transposable element silencing, may also serve a NK progenitor to promote the repertoire of more than 30,000 NK cell subsets

A recent study showed that wild type p53 can restrain transposon mobility through interaction with PIWI-piRNA complex. Also, cellular metabolism regulates sensitivity to NK cells depending on P53 status and P53 pathway is coupled to NK cell maturation leaving open the possibility that a direct relationship exists. Further, functional interactions between KIR and HLA modify risks of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and KIR B haplotypes provide selective pressure for altered P53 in BCC tumors

Anticipating p53's broader influences or responses, cells, extracted from 48 different sections of 7 tumor biopsies were sequenced and TP53 DNA computed using Codondex algorithm. Each section produced a TP53 Consensus Variant (CV), represented by its intron1, ncDNA Key Sequence's (KS). Bioinformatic correlations between each KS and cytotoxicity resulting from NK coculture with the section may predict KIR-HLA and extrinsic factor plasticity to reliably determine from KS's, optimal cell/tissue selections for NK cell education and licensing. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Immune Synchronization

Stem Cell

Navigating the regulatory regimes that govern drug safety can be challenging. But, rigorous standards are more relaxed in the lesser used track for autologous and/or minimally manipulated cell treatments. Toward meeting the challenges of this minimal regulation track, the wide-spectrum of NK cells, of the innate immune system, are compelling candidates to address complex cellular and tissue personalization's or conditions of disease. One effect of cell function on NK cell potency occurs via aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) dietary ligands, potentially explaining numerous associations that have been observed in the past.

The AhR was first identified to bind the xenobiotic compound dioxin, environmental contaminants and toxins in addition to a variety of natural exogenous (e.g., dietary) or endogenous ligands and expression of AhR is also induced by cytokine stimulation. Activation with an endogenous tryptophan derivative, potentiates NK cell IFN-γ production and cytolytic activity which, in vivo, enhances NK cell control of tumors in an NK cell and AhR-dependent manner.

A combination of ex vivo and in vivo studies revealed that Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) skewed Innate Lymphoid Cell (ILC) Progenitor towards ILC1's and away from NK cells as a major mechanism of ILC1 generation. This process was driven by AML-mediated activation of AhR, a key transcription factor in ILC's, as inhibition of AhR led to decreased numbers of ILC1's and increased NK cells in the presence of AML.

Activation of AhR also induces chemoresistance and facilitates the growth, maintenance, and production of long-lived secondary mammospheres, from primary progenitor cells. AhR supports the proliferation, invasion, metastasis, and survival of the Cancer Stem Cells (CSC's) in choriocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, oral squamous carcinoma, and breast cancers leading to therapy failure and tumor recurrence.

Loss of AhR increases tumorigenesis in p53-deficient mice and activation of p53 in human and murine cells, by DNA-damaging agents, differentially regulates AhR levels. Activation of the AhR/CYP1A1 pathway induces epigenetic repression of many tumor suppressor and tumor activating genes, through modulation of their DNA methylation, histone acetylation/deacetylation, and the expression of several miRNAs. 

p53 is barely detectable under normal conditions, but levels begin to elevate and locations change particularly in cells undergoing DNA damage. The significant network effect of p53 availability and its mutational status in cancer makes it the worlds most widely studied gene. 

From 48 sequenced samples of two different tumors, Codondex identified 316 unique Key Sequences (KS) of the TP53 Consensus. 9 of these contained the core AhR 5′-GCGTG-3′ binding sequence, and some overlapped p53 quarter binding sites as illustrated below;

Key Sequence                                                                           

GGATAGGAGTTCCAGACCAGCGTGGCCA (intron1) AhR [1699,1726], p53 @ [1706,1710]

AAAAATTAGCTGGGCGTGGTGGGTGCCT (intron1) AhR [1760,1787], p53 [1783,1787]



We propose that DNA damage liberates transposable DNA elements that are normally repressed by p53 and other suppressor genes. The p53 repair/response also includes increased cooperation between p53 and AhR, which further influence transcription, mRNA splicing or post-translation events. Repeated damage, at multi-cellular scale, may proximally bias ILC's toward NK cells capable of specific non-self detection, through localized ligand, receptor relationships that trigger cytolysis and immune cascades. 

KS's are a retrospective view of transcripts ncDNA elements, ranked by cDNA that may reflect inherent bias that can be used to direct NK cell education. One way to accomplish minimal manipulation may be to leverage patient immunity by educating autologous NK cells with computationally selected tumor cells, identified by KS alignments to the index of past experiments that expanded and triggered a more desirable immune response. Customizable immune cascades, capable of managing disease or preventatively supporting a desired heterogeneity being the primary objective. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tolerating Your Non-self!

Immune cells get comfortable with cancer

A hallmark of cancer, autoimmunity and disease is the aberrant transcription of typically silenced, repetitive genetic elements that mimic Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMP's) that bind Pattern Recognition Receptors (PPR's) triggering the innate immune system and inflammation. Unrestrained, this 'viral mimicry' activates a generally conserved mechanism that, under restraint, supports homeostasis. These repetitive viral DNA sequences normally act as a quality control over genomic dysregulation responding in ways that preferentially promote immune conditions for stability. If aberrantly unrestrained and the 'viral mimicry' is transcribed it may result in undesirable immune reactions that disrupt the homeostasis of cells.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are one source of cytosolic double stranded RNA (dsRNA) that is commonly present in cells. Trp53 Mutant Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEF's) contain innate immune stimulating endogenous dsRNA, from mtDNA that mimic PAMP's. The immune response, via RIG-1 like PRR, leads to expression of type 1 interferon (IFN) and proinflammatory cytokine genes. Further, Natural Killer cells also produce a multitude of cytokines that can promote or dampen an immune response. Wild-type p53 suppresses viral repeats and contributes to innate immunity by enhancing IFN-dependent antiviral activity independent of its function as a proapoptotic and tumor suppressor gene. 

Post-translationally modified P53, located in the cytoplasm, enhances the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane thus stimulating apoptosis. However, treating Trp53 mutant MEF's with DNA demethylating agent caused a huge increase in the level of transcripts encoding short interspersed nuclear elements and other species of noncoding RNAs that generated a strong type 1 IFN response. This did not occur in p53 wild-type MEF's. Thus it appears that another function of p53 is to silence repeats that can accidentally induce an immune response.

This has several implications for how we understand self versus non-self discrimination. When pathogen-associated features were quantified, specific repeats in the genome not only display PAMP's capable of stimulating PRRs but, in some instances, have seemingly maintained such features under selection. For organisms with a high degree of epigenetic regulation and chromosomal organization immuno-stimulatory repeats release a danger signal, such as repeats released after p53 mutations. Here, immune stimulation may act as back-up for the failure of other p53 functions such as apoptosis or senescence due to mutation. This supports the hypothesis that specific repeats gained favor by maintaining non-self PAMPs to act as sensors for loss of heterochromatin as an epigenetic checkpoint of quality control that avoids genome instability generally. 

When P53 mutates it begins to fail its restraint of viral suppression, this enables a 'viral mimicry' and aberrant immune reactions. These may promote survival of cells that can leverage immunity, promote angiogenesis and heightened proliferation of cancers, or other diseases under modified conditions for non-self tolerance. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Educating Perfect Natural Killers

Mining Tissue Match for Immune Co-culture

Mutant p53 knockdown in KPC (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) cells of immune deficient mice had no effect on primary tumor growth, by contrast the reduced tumor growth in the immune-proficient syngeneic host was due to altered immune cell recruitment.

In vivo, the increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines coupled with increased Natural Killer (NK) cell ligand expression permits the recruitment of immune cells and clearance of abnormal cells. Elimination of senescent tumors by NK cells may occur as a result of the cooperation of signals associated with p53 expression or senescence, which regulate NK cell recruitment, and other signals that induce NKG2D ligand expression on tumor cells.

Coculture of wild-type (wt) p53-induced human tumor cells with primary human NK cells enhanced NKG2D-dependent degranulation and IFN-γ production by NK cells. Taken together findings define the involvement of p53 in the regulation of specific NKG2D ligands that enhance NK cell–mediated target recognition.

Inhibitory KIR-educated NK cells showed significantly increased expression of the glucose transporter Glut1 in comparison to NKG2A-educated or uneducated NK cells, with and without exposure to target cells. Educated NK cells displayed significantly higher rates of cellular glycolysis than uneducated NK cells indicating they may reside in different metabolic states prior to activation. The ability to metabolize glucose may represent a mechanism for the superior functionality of educated NK cells expressing KIR receptors. 

Cancer cells acquire immunoediting abilities by which they evade surveillance and escape eradication. Murine p53 missense mutation G242A (human G245A) suppresses activation of host NK cells, enabling breast cancer cells to avoid immune assault. Serial injection of EMT6 breast cancer cells that carry wild-type (wt) Trp53 promoted NK activity, while SVTneg2 cells carrying Trp53 G242A+/+ mutation decreased NK cell numbers and increased CD8+ T lymphocyte numbers in spleen. Upon co-culture with isolated NK cells, EMT6 cells activated NK cells and proliferation, increasing interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production; however, SVTneg2 cells suppressed NK cell activation. p53 can modulate expression by cancer cells of Mult-1 and H60a activating and inhibitory ligands for NKG2D receptors of NK cells, respectively, to enhance immune surveillance against cancer. p53 is requisite for NK cell-based immune recognition and elimination of cancerous cells, and p53 missense mutant in cancer cells impairs NK cell responses.

NK cells are the oldest member of the innate lymphoid cell family (ILC) and the only representative of cytotoxic ILCs. These tissue-resident innate immune cells have a similar functional diversity to T cells including lineage-specifying transcription factors that drive certain effector programs. ILCs are present in almost every tissue, but strongly enriched at barrier surfaces, where they regulate immunity to infection, chronic inflammation, and tissue maintenance. ILCs orchestrate tissue homeostasis through their ability to sustain bidirectional interactions with epithelial cells, neurons, stromal cells, adipocytes, and many other tissue-resident cells. ILCs provide an integrated view on how immune responses in tissues are synchronized with functional relevance far beyond the classical view of the role of the immune system in discrimination between self/non-self and host defense.

Codondex has evidenced p53 genetic variations, in multiple samples of same biopsy tissue from pancreatic tumors and oral squamous cell carcinoma's that may distinguish host tumor tissue gradients. The effect of highly-specific tissue-selected cell co-culture to educate ILC/NK cells may enhance the prospect for tissue penetration by these expanded, activated cytotoxic cells to improve overall survival.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Retroviral Defense And Mitochondrial Offense

Chromosomal DNA has played host to the long game of viral insertions that repeat and continue as a genetic and epigenetic symbiosis along its phosphate and pentose sugar backbone. But, the bacterial origin of mitochondria and its hosted DNA also promotes its offense. 

Research suggests that retrovirus insertions evolved from a type of transposon called a retrotransposon. The evolutionary time scales of inherited, endogenous retroviruses (ERV) and the appearance of the zinc finger gene that binds its unique sequences occur over same time scales of primate evolution. Additionaly the zinc-finger genes that inactivate transposable elements are commonly located on chromosome 19. The recurrence of independent ERV invasions can be countered by a reservoir of zinc-finger repressors that are continuously generated on copy number variant (CNV) formation hotspots.

One of the more intiguing aspects of prevalent CNV hotspots on chromosome 19 are their proximity to killer immunoglobulin receptor gene's (KIR's) and other critical gene's of the innate immune system.

Frequently occuring DNA breaks can cause genomic instability, which is a hallmark of cancer. These breaks are over represented at G4 DNA quadruplexes within, hominid-specific, SVA retrotransposons and generally occur in tumors with mutations in tumor suppressor genes, such as TP53. Cancer mutational burden is shaped by G4 DNA, replication stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, that in lung adenocarcinoma downlregulates SPATA18, a mitochondrial eating protein (MIEAP) that contributes to mitophagy. 

Genetic variations, in non-coding regions can control the activity of conserved protein-coding genes resulting in the establishment of species-specific transcriptional networks. A chromosome 19 zinc finger, ZNF558 evolved as a suppressor of LINE-1 transposons, but has since been co-opted to singly regulate SPATA18. These variations are evident from a panel of 409 human lymphoblastoid cell lines where the lengths of the ZNF558 variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) negatively correlated with its expression. 

Colon cancer cells with p53 deletion were used to analyze deregulated p53 target genes in HCT116 p53 null cells compared to HCT116-p53 +/+ cells. SPATA18 was the most upregulted gene in the differential expression providing further insight to p53 and mitophagy via SPATA18-MIEAP.

p53 response elements (p53RE) can be shaped by long terminal repeats from endogenous retroviruses, long interspersed nuclear repeats, and ALU repeats in humans and fuzzy tandem repeats in mice. Further, p53 pervasively binds to p53REs derived from retrotransposons or other mobile genetic elements and can suppress transcription of retroelements. The p53- mediated mechanisms conferring protection from retroelements is also conserved through evolution. Certainly, p53 has been shown to have other roles in DNA  context, such as playing an important role in replication restart and replication fork progression. The absence of these p53-dependent processes can lead to further genomic instability. 

The frequency of variable length, long or short nucleotide repeats and their locations within a gene may be key to the repression of DNA sequences that would otherwise cause genomic instability or protein expressions that would eat bacterial mitochondria or destroy its cell host. 

The complexity of variable length insertions is made evident when exhaustively analyzing a simple length 12 sequence for the potential frequency of each of its variable length repeats starting from a minumum variable length of 8.

Then, for TGTGGGCCCACA(12)

All possible internal variable length combinations from and including length 8:


For example, reviewing length (8) only:

TGTGGGCC (8) occurs 5 times

GTGGGCCC (8) occurs 8 times

TGGGCCCA (8) occurs 9 times

GGGCCCAC (8) occurs 8 times

GGCCCACA (8) occurs 5 times

Any repeat can be ranked based on its ocurrence within all possible combinations of a given sequence, known as the repeats' iScore rank. This illustrates a potential useful statistical ranking that, subject to biology may describe a repeats inherency to be more or less effective, in increments of the gene sequence. 

Repression of the most active sequences, especially in context of repeats may result in genetic variation. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Immunity keeping p53 in check!

In a 2012 study on the topology of the human and mouse m6A RNA methylomes, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEG's) indicated a noteworthy enrichment of the p53 signaling pathway: 22/23 genes had differentially expressed splice variants, of which 18 were methylated. Moreover, 15 other members of the signaling pathway, which were not significant DEG's, exhibited significant differential isoform expressions. For example, isoforms of MDM4, needed for p53 inactivation were downregulated. Similar pro-apoptotic effects were observed in other pathway genes including MDM2, FAS and BAX. Higher apoptosis rate in HaCaT-T cells resulted with knockdown of m6A subunit METTL3, which also reversed a significant decrease in p53 activity. Modulation of p53 signaling through splicing may be relevant to induction of apoptosis by silencing of METTL3. 

Then, in 2019 a study of arsenite-induced human keratinocyte transformation demonstrated that knockdown of METTL3 significantly decreased m6A level, restored p53 activation and inhibited cellular transformation phenotypes in the-transformed cells. Further, m6A downregulated the expression of the positive p53 regulator, PRDM2, through the YTHDF2-promoted decay of PRDM2 mRNAs. m6A also upregulated expression of negative p53 regulator, YY1 and MDM2 through YTHDF1-stimulated translation of YY1 and MDM2 mRNA. Taken together, the study revealed the novel role of m6A in mediating human keratinocyte transformation by suppressing p53 activation and sheds light on the mechanisms of arsenic carcinogenesis via RNA epigenetics.

Finally in 2021 a discovery that YTHDF2 is upregulated in NK cells upon activation by cytokines, tumors, and cytomegalovirus infection. Ythdf2 deficiency in NK cells impaired its anti-tumor and anti-viral activity in vivo. YTHDF2 maintains NK cell homeostasis and terminal maturation, correlating with modulating NK cell trafficking and regulating Eomes, respectively. It promotes NK cell effector function and is required for IL-15-mediated NK cell survival and proliferation by forming a STAT5-YTHDF2 positive feedback loop. Analysis showed significant enrichment in cell cycle, division, and division-related processes, including mitotic cytokinesis, chromosome segregation, spindle, nucleosome, midbody, and chromosome. This data supports roles of YTHDF2 in regulating NK proliferation, survival, and effector functions. Transcriptome-wide screening identified Tardbp (TDP-43) to be involved in cell proliferation or survival as a YTHDF2-binding target in NK cells.

Downregulation of METTL3, which in spinal cord contributes with YTHDF2 to modulate inflammatory pain may upregulate differentially expressed p53 network splice variants that oppose YTHDF2 induced downregulation of p53, via PRDM2 leading to apoptotic or diseased cells. In diseased environments cytokines may upregulate YTHDF2 in NK cells leading to downregulation of p53 and cytoskeletal transformation that may be sufficient, at an immune synapse to advance cytolysis.

p53 signals may inform selections of cells and tissue that prime NK cells for advanced, personalized immune therapy. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

First Intron DNA - Site for a Genetic Brain?

DNA Methylation

The first intron of a gene, regardless of tissue or species is conserved as a site of downstream methylation with an inverse relationship to transcription and gene expression. Therefore, it is an informative gene feature regarding the relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression. But, expression in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC's) has been a major challenge to the stem cell industry, because by comparison these cells have not yet reached the state of natural pluripotent or embryonic stem cells (ESC's).

In mice two X chromosomes (XC) are active in the epiblasts of blastocysts as well as in pluripotent stem cells. One XC is inactivated triggered by Xist (non coding) RNA transcripts coating it to become silent. Designer transcription factor (dTF) repressors, binding the Xist intron 1 enhancer region caused higher H3K9me3 methylation and led to XC's opening and X-linked gene repression in MEFs. This substantially improved iPSC production and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) preimplantation embryonic development. This also correlated with much fewer abnormally expressed genes frequently associated with SCNT, even though it did not affect Xist expression. In stark contrast, the dTF activator targeting the same enhancer region drastically decreased both iPSC generation and SCNT efficiencies and induced ESC differentiation. 

A genome-wide, tissue-independent quasi-linear, inverse relationship exists between DNA methylation of the first intron and gene expression. More tissue-specific, differentially methylated regions exist in the first intron than in any other gene feature. These have positive or negative correlation with gene expression, indicative of distinct mechanisms of tissue-specific regulation. CpGs in transcription factor binding motifs are enriched in the first intron and methylation tends to increase with distance from the first exon–first intron boundary, with a concomitant decrease in gene expression.

Since the relationship between sequence, methylation, repression and transcription is determinative in ESC differentiation it may also suggest a broader link to differential translation. Translation is required for miRNA-dependent transcript destabilization that alters levels of coding and noncoding transcripts. But, steady-state abundance and decay rates of cytosolic long non-coding RNA's (lncRNAs) are insensitive to miRNA loss. Instead lncRNAs fused to protein-coding reporter sequences become susceptible to miRNA-mediated decay. 

In this model, first intron DNA sequences that are differentially methylated, bind transcription factors that effect transcription, impact splicing, expressions of coding or non-coding transcripts and transcript destabilizations resulting in differential rates and possible variations in translation. This bottom-up, dynamic view of the classical process may elevate the first intron from 'junk' to a DNA 'brain' because it plays a more extensive role, heading the process toward translation of any gene or switching it off entirely.  

For this reason, among others Codondex uses first intron k-mers relative to the transcripts mRNA as the basis for comparing same gene transcripts in diseased cells or tissue samples. Further, p53 and BRCA1 miRNA key sequences, discovered using Codondex iScore algorithm, when transfected into HeLa cells resulted in significantly reduced proliferation that may result from this accelerated, transfected miRNA dependent decay.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Short Sequences of Proximally Disordered DNA

Oxford Nanopore Device Reducing Sequencing Cost

Relationships exist between short sequences of proximal DNA (SSPD) of a gene that when transcribed into RNA present stronger or weaker binding attractions to RNA binding proteins (RBP'S) that settle, edit, splice and resolve messenger RNA (mRNA). Responsive to epigenetic stimuli on Histones and DNA, mRNA are constantly transcribed in different quantity, at different times such that different mRNA strands are transported from the nucleus to cytoplasm where they are translated into and produce any of more than 30,000 different proteins.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms and DNA mutations can alter SSPD combinations in different diseased cells thus altering sequence proximity, ordering that affects transcribed RNA's attraction and optimal binding of RBP's. This may result in modified splicing of RNA, assembly of mRNA and slight or major variations in some or all translated protein derived from that gene. 

The specific effects of these DNA variations, on the multitude of proteins produced are generally unknown. However, it remains important to understand their effects in disease, diagnosis and therapy. Typically these have historically been researched by large scale analysis of RBP on RNA as opposed to the more fundamental, yet underrepresented massive array of diseased variant DNA to mRNA transitions.

Most pharmaceutical research is directed to a molecular interference targeting an aberrant protein to cure widely represented or highly impactful disease conditions of society. Economic assessments generally influence government decisions to support research based on loss of GDP contribution by a specific disease in a  patient cohort. However, in the modern multi-omics era top down research into protein-RNA activity is descending deeper into the cell to include RNA-mRNA and mRNA-DNA customizable therapies that will eventually resolve individually assessed diseases at a price that addresses much larger array of patient needs.  

SNP's and other mutations can vary considerably in cells. These variations can cause instability during division and lead to translated differences that can ultimately drive cancerous cell growth to escape patient immunity. Like a 'whack-a-mole' game, pattern variation and mechanistic persistence eventually beat the player. Without effective immune clearance these cells can replicate into tumors and contribute to microenvironments that support their existence.

Link to video on tumor microenvironment

We thought to analyze DNA and mRNA transcripts from cells in tumors and their microenvironments to see if we could expose the SSPD disordered combinations that may have promoted sub-optimal RBP attractions and led to sustained immune escape. Given the complexity of DNA to mRNA transcription, for any given gene many distortions in gene data sets have to be filtered. To do that we focused on p53, the most mutated gene in cancer. We designed a method to compare sequences arrays of DNA and mRNA Ensembl transcripts, from the consensus of healthy patients to multiple cell samples extracted from different sections of a patients tumor and tumor microenvironment.     

We previously identified and measured different levels of Natural Killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity, produced from cocultures with the extracted samples of each of the multiple sites of a biopsy. We will measure the different p53 transcript SSPD combinations associated with each sample and determine whether disordered SSPD's corelate with NK cytotoxicity from each coculture. We expect to identify whether biopsied tumor cells, ranked by SSPD's predict the cytotoxicity resulting from NK cell cocultures. We will narrow our research to identify the varied expressions of receptor combinations associated with degrees of cytotoxicity. We will test immune efficacy to lyse and destroy tumor cells. Finally we will test for adaptive immune response. 

Our vision is for per-patient, predictable cell co-culture pairings, for innate immune cell education based on ranking DNA-mRNA combinations to lead to multiple effective therapies. The falling cost of sequencing and sophistication of GMP laboratories presently servicing oncologists may support a successful use of this analytical approach to laboratory assisted disease management.



Monday, March 8, 2021

Custom Immunotherapy To Address Dimorphic Complexities.

Dimorphic relationships between genes on Chromosome (Chr)6, encoding Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and those on Chr19, encoding Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) may eventually uncover important information as to how, why and when Natural Killer (NK) cells determine self restraint or attack cells infected by pathogens and disease. These proteins emerge from their respective zones, on each chromosome that have and continue to be subject to frequent recombination events.

The active region of Chr19 has a long history of recombinations that have and continue to define the expression patterns of telomeric and centromeric proportions of KIR gene's encoding receptors that bind cells presenting MHC class 1, HLA haplotype combinations that vary significantly across tissues in different population groups. Adding complexity, HLA genes on Chr6 are also subject to significant recombination making the dimorphic functional HLA-KIR interactions difficult to predict. 

Studies across population groups reveal the great diversity of HLA-KIR dimorphisms. The Southern Han centromeric KIR region encodes strong, conserved, inhibitory HLA-C-specific receptors, and the telomeric region provides a high number and diversity of inhibitory HLA-A and -B-specific receptors. In all these characteristics, the Chinese Southern Han represent other East Asians, whose NK cell repertoires are thus enhanced in quantity, diversity, and effector strength, likely augmenting resistance to endemic viral infections.

One study goes much further suggesting that functional interactions between KIR and HLA modify risks of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and that KIR B haplotypes provide selective pressure for altered p53 in BCC tumors. This preference implicates multi-modal p53 mechanisms that are also known to upregulate NK ligands, induce HLA-A11 assembly against Epstein Bar Virus and bind a frequently mutated p53 peptide in a complex with HLA-A and presented at the cell surface that prevent T-Cell response. In support, selected p53 mutations altering protein stability can modulate p53 presentation to T cells, leading to a differential immune reactivity inversely correlated with measured p53 protein levels.

In addition to KIR, adaptive NKG2C+ NK cells display fine peptide specificity selectively to recognize HCMV strains that differed by a single substitution in the HLA-E-binding UL40-derived peptide during infection. Distinct peptides controlled the degree of proliferation in synergy with pro-inflammatory cytokines. Viral peptides are known to augment inhibition at NKG2A. Conversely, NKG2A+ NK cells sense MHC class I downregulation more efficiently than KIRs. Thus, both receptor:ligand systems appear to have complementary functions in recognizing changes in MHC class I.

Polymorphic landscapes across HLA, KIR and NKG receptor repertoires coupled with receptor:ligand haplotype cross referencing makes it near impossible to predict therapeutic targets across the breadth of disease and disease combinations that affect populations. A recent KIR-HLA co-existence study of haplotypes in Breast Cancer patients and controls highlights this complexity. 

Genetic signatures that target discovery of desired cell functionality to select preferential cells/tissues from micro environments used to educate and license autologous or allogeneic NK cells may tease specific, finely tuned, intact receptor repertoires. Once licensing efficacy is reached, expanding NK cell populations and applying them to act upon previously unrecognizable cells of a patient becomes the next frontier of immune therapy. This is the exciting work presently being undertaken by researchers and staff working with Precision Autology using Codondex methodologies. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cell's with an Index like Google?

Its been a while since I last wrote about DNA repeats or their RNA descendants. In that time advanced research has emerged relating repeats to increasing numbers of viral or other disease. Generally the repeats of interest here can be either long or short sequences of nucleotides that from part of an unspliced gene. Logically, counts of long sequences that repeat would be less than short sequences, but when normalized to their respective nucleotide lengths the indexed results can shift the relative order of repeating sequences quite dramatically.

In most knowledge systems repeats in low level data present redundancy and opportunity to improve efficacy in local or global upstream processes acting on that data. We see this in the structure of efficient alphabets that had a significant impact on whether or not a language survived continuous use. Why use ten words when precise meaning, including abstracts can be derived from three. Or why alpha when, at least for some period in the language history alphanumeric made it more effective? 

Search engines reduce their primary index to the least redundant data set used to drive efficient data access by upstream requests and processes to satisfy any query. However, at the storage level, data redundancy is permitted because energy efficiency is gained. Similarly genetic DNA is massively redundant. Redundant data stores can make highly indexed systems more efficient because frequently accessed data elements are more accessible at multiple locations and parallel processes can more efficiently satisfy upstream requests.

Repetitive sequences constitute 50%–70% of the human genome. Some of these can transpose positions, these transposable elements (TE's) are DNA transposons and retrotransposons. The latter are predominant in most mammals and can be further divided into long terminal repeat (LTR)-containing endogenous retrovirus transposons and non-LTR transposons including short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) and long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs). The most abundant subclass of SINEs comprises primate-specific Alu elements in human with more abundant GC-rich DNA. Humans have up to 1.4 million copies of these repeats, which constitute about 10.6% of the genomic DNA. Long interspersed element-1 (LINE1 or L1), are abundant in AT-rich DNA, constitute 19% of the human genome and make up the largest proportion of transposable element-derived sequences.

Most TE classes are primarily involved in reduced gene expression, but Alu elements are associated with up regulated gene expression. Intronic Alu elements are capable of generating alternative splice variants in protein-coding genes that illustrate how Alu elements can alter protein function or gene expression levels. Non-coding regions were found to have a great density of TEs within regulatory sequences, most notably in repressors. TEs have a global impact on gene regulation that indicates a significant association between repetitive elements and gene regulation.

In liquid systems, phase separation is one of the most fundamental phase transition phenomena and ubiquitous in nature. De-mixing of oil and water in salad dressing is a typical example. The discovery of biological phase separation in living cells led to the identification that phase-separation dynamics are controlled by mechanical relaxation of the network-forming dense phase, where the limiting process is permeation flow of the solvent for colloidal suspensions and heat transport for pure fluids. The application of this derived governing universal law is a step to understanding and defining the liquid biological indexing equivalence of data-processing systems and inherent genetic redundancy.

Repeats have been widely implicated. In plant immunity a TE has been domesticated through histone marks and generation of alternative mRNA isoforms that were both directly linked to immune response to a particular pathogen. p53 transcription sites evolved through epigenetic methylation, deamination and histone regulation that constituted a universal mechanism found to generate various transcription-factor binding sites in short TE's or Alu repeats. In disease cytoplasmic synthesis of Alu cDNA was implicated in age related macular degeneration and there is transient increase of nearly 20-fold in the levels of Alu RNA during stress, viral infection and cancer.

In chromosomal DNA, each sequence, relative to its length may conveniently describe a phase-separated indexed location and method for discovery. Repeats within genetic DNA may present precisely sensitive phase-separated guidance to drive histone, epigenetic and transcription factors to specific genetic locations at the cells' 'end-of-line' from where the genetic response to upstream membrane bound changes begin.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Natural Killers Linked to Overall Survival in Cancer

A meta analysis of tumor samples, collected between 1973 and 2016, in 53 studies confirmed overall survival (OS) correlated with Natural Killer cell infiltration into solid tumors. The number of NK cells infiltrating solid tumors, including those considered “highly ”infiltrated was relatively low, compared with other immune populations. Notwithstanding, the presence of a single NK cell, within a high powered microscopic field was associated with significantly improved OS and disease free survival in colorectal cancer, HER2 + breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma.

The finding supports the prospect that single tumor infiltrating NK cells, in a sampled tissue can be determinative for OS. By inference a single tumor infiltrating NK cell or cells possess characteristics that are relative to OS and beneficial to patient.  

NK cell surface receptors are densely varied defining at least 30,000 unique NK cell populations within each individual. NK cell classifications, relative to tumor infiltration and OS is enormously complex, especially at this scale and present definitions of activating and inhibiting receptor combinations underwhelm. To identify NK cells that have infiltrated or may be capable of infiltrating a patient tumor to improve OS we focused on biopsied tumor tissue selections whether or not they include NK cells.

Our work is with two tumor types in humanized mice. Multiple sections of each tumor were resected and divided into multiple parts for coculture with allogenic naïve, IL2 and probiotic enhanced NK cells and for DNA sequencing. After coculture NK cell cytotoxicity and other detailed measures resulting from each resected section and from single cells were assessed. Presently sequencing of DNA from each resected, divided section (pre-coculture) is focused on comparisons derived from TP53.

In the final stage NK cells will be cocultured with resected tumor tissue and will be made to challenge new tumor tissue and single cells, from the resected tumor from which the NK coculture was derived. The objective will be whether Codondex analysis of TP53 DNA sequencing can predict the most successful tumor tissue candidates based upon the most effective cocultured NK cell challenge to the tumor derived tissue or cells. 

If Codondex algorithm is found to identify a direct or indirect logic for tissue or cell selection that is effective in vitro our work will continue to next stage in vivo testing and analysis on similar grounds. 



Thursday, September 24, 2020

$100,000 Biohunt

Some of the past research on neoantigen and p53 antibodies in immunity has been encouraging. The data is enormously complex, but keeps pointing to TP53's great potential. To this end, we were anxious to start our mega-experiment, but were delayed by C19, now I'm glad to report we are well underway. In co-operation with researchers at UCLA we aim to determine whether Codondex transcript analysis, of TP53 can predict the best tumor tissue selection for most effective Natural Killer (NK) cell priming, activation and cell killing, including in autologous tumor micro environments.

We're hoping to to achieve a result along the path toward our ambitious clinical goal. We aim to prove that a specifically selected section from biopsied tissue can be used to effectively prime autologus NK cells for patient reapplication and disease treatment. 

This co-culture vs. sequencing challenge uses sections (T1-T8) taken from each of two tumors. Each section is co-cultured with 2 treated NK cell and one naive NK cell line and tests the efficacy of NK cell cytotoxicity against tumor cell and tumor tissue in killing assays. Separately, by sequencing TP53 of each selection and computing Codondex iScore(TM) algorithm we hope to identify specific features of each tissue selection that point computed results to research outcomes.

Co-culture vs. Sequencing Challenge

To better understand the analysis and encourage research contributions we are inviting applicants for first grants directed toward this objective. 

Codondex tools analyse genetic sequences at an arbitrary number of nucleotides. The tool provides an easy way to observe fine repetitive details of small subsequences contained within a gene. We compute various metrics for each subsequence including 'Inclusiveness', which measures the total occurrences of every computed smaller subsequence is found within the subsequence of interest. 

Our primary interest is intronic, non-coding DNA in multi-transcript genes. In these systems we create a transcript list, which we call the Vector, that is sorted by Codondex i-Score. This metric looks at Inclusiveness scaled by the length of the subsequence, to better account for intrinsic probability of finding smaller subsequences within progressively longer ones. Using this we look at the way order of this vector changes from subsequence to subsequence. Large changes in these vectors then prompts us to tag them for further investigation as it represents large deviation from transcript similarity, with this subsequence being labelled a Key Sequence. 

Codondex is proposing 3 grants for open problems to aid in our journey towards a more biologically useful platform. These 3 problems span statistical analysis, data acquisition and biological relevance of various aspects that are integral to our platform. 

Applicants should inquire further and sign up here.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Oil and Water and Cellular Function

Genetic DNA are single acid nucleotide's stringed along a sugar-phosphate spine that winds around proteins, called histones and collapses into a chromosome assembly. At specific 'gene' locations DNA are often unwound and replicated into smaller, related RNA strings that can be incorporated by clustered proteins to attract and assemble amino acid combinations that may fold into functional proteins. Aqueous proteins aggregate in complex units and interact with DNA, RNA, amino acids and other proteins to build life on planet earth. 

Entropy can disrupt the order of liquid-liquid phase separation (LLP) and other density based separations that govern events effecting DNA and are central to cellular bio-physics. Since the discovery of DNA in 1869 and its double helix structure in 1953, research has been directed to decipher the vast string assemblies of billions of these ordered acid combinations that govern cells of different species. Recently research has more beautifully described how orders of short repeating DNA sequences govern cellular mechanics and provides insight to the delicate balance in aqueous separations.

Chromosomes of cells that divide and replicate are tethered via centromere including concentrated short, ordered DNA combinations repeated at extending distances along the sugar-phosphate spine. They attract proteins and other epigenetic factors that may direct the cells centrosome - a protein tube geared to a vast cytoskeleton spindle to move chromosomes and the cells skeletal structure in response to activity on its centromere and distant regions.

Intron regions of genes are considered regulatory since exons or DNA coding regions, when replicated into RNA exclusively translate combinations of amino acids for protein. The intron regions of yeast centromeres were found to promote formation of centromeric heterochromatim - DNA wound around histones and methylated to repress regions and maintain lineage during replication. 

study of centromere heterochromatin surprisingly showed that distant euchromatic regions enriched in repressed methylated genes also interacted with the hierarchical organization of centromeric DNA. These 3D spacial interactions are likely mediated by LLP (similar to how oil and vinegar separate in salad dressing), resulting liquid-like fusion events and can influence the fitness of individuals. Repressed gene's were identified as Transposable Elements (TE's), sequences often associated with pathogenic DNA insertions that have been persistently retained.  

A study found 96.3% of TEs enriched in 156 gene bodies overlapped introns, in line with the normally observed distribution of introns and exons in the human genome. Across cells in different tissues, genes that are consistently replicated are less likely to be associated with TE's. Multiple TE's in tissue-specific, active regulatory regions are enriched in intron enhancer sequences to attract and bind protein transcription factors as master replication regulators.

TE's have mostly been analyzed by the frequency of short identical repeating sequences, but methods have not revealed the full extent of the TE repeat hierarchy. When any part of TE's are replicated and released from their sugar-phosphate spine the hierarchy of repeats may effect dissociation. Codondex built a uniform analytic to tease out the inherent hierarchy of repeating sequences that may expose separation potential whether or not the DNA is classified as a TE.  

As outlined, repressed DNA regions with more frequent repeats are less actively replicated into RNA. Therefore, actively transcribed regions yield more RNA for coding proteins and edited intron RNA can accumulate to concentrate in the liquid nucleus, be transported to the cytoplasm or be degraded. A cell's machinery must be finely tuned to process the RNA remnant of DNA replication, but mutations and aberrant separations can disrupt the order of these finely tuned micro-organisms. 

If repeats define a universal separation hierarchy that is heavily weighted toward regulatory introns then de novo chromosome and gene repeat analysis may identify distant and centromeric influences to the centrosome. The iScore(TM)  algorithm repeatedly explodes any DNA or RNA string into its ordered, theoretical hierarchy of repeats until the smallest required string length and may provide a structural basis for liquid separations. A repeat-hierarchy, for any gene would have to also relate to its chromosome repeats for inherent, universal influence over 3D spacial interaction and potentially cell function.

The complete record of repeats for an average length gene explodes to 100,000,000+ ordered strings representing its iScore signature. If a repeat hierarchy does exit for aqueous aggregations, a gene transcripts' intron iScore should be sufficient to measure and compare its inherent repeat potential to other transcripts. Significant consecutive iScore variations with any of the 100,000,000+ strings could be used to expose systemic, structural separation differences for that transcript in context of other transcripts in their aqueous environments. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is The Natural Killer our Anti-Cell?

Natural Killer (NK) cells may be our innate, anti-cell sentinels that first arise in the yolk sac between day 8 and 10. Simultaneously maternal, uterine NK cells promote fetal development by secreting growth promoting factors. Distinct sets of NK cells mature during early fetal development by associating with differentiating cells and tissue environments. Typically NK cells mature in around 25-35 days. By comparison, the developing embryonic heart begins pumping blood around day 22. The transcriptome, lineage and variety of each terminally differentiated embryonic NK cell and whether, in adults they continue to exist is unknown and genetically undefined.

The prospect of innate immune memory is a developing interest that has been shown to link innate and adaptive cell sets by epigenetic responses. Natural Killer cells have been a particular focus of this research because they were once considered innate and non-adaptive. Recently there is an emerging body of evidence that suggests otherwise. Whether NK cell memory arises and which NK cells participate in its establishment is not established science. Without more research whether and to what extent very narrow NK cell protein expressions distinguish cell and tissue lineages will continue unanswered. However, some good research supports the important idea of NK memory and conserved lineage.

A study on the heterogeneity of NK cells, by transcriptome in human bone marrow identified distinct NK populations, including one expressing higher levels of immediate, early genes indicative of a homeostatic activation.  Analysis identified a transitional population between CD56bright and CD56dim NK cells. Most interesting they reported on a donor with GATA2-T354M mutation who exhibited a reduced percentage of CD56bright NK cells with altered transcriptome and elevated cell death indicating the smaller number of CD56bright NK cells were contributing to the donors disease progression.

In a mouse model of CMV infection, a specific population of NK cells expands, contracts after control of the virus and generates long-lived “memory” NK cells that are more protective during a second encounter. Other reports indicate antigen specificity and antibody dependent NK mediated cytotoxicity in autoimmune disease by a sub-population of NK cells expressing a combination of specific receptors that was associated with apoptosis and the depletion of IgG in individuals with autoimmune thyroid disease.

Coronavirus Lung Cells
In Covid19 admitted patients NK cells and lymphocytes were depleted including by apoptosis and exhausted. This late stage condition developed for some time prior to admission. The published research identified two receptors as particularly important for CoV2 viral entry into a cell. Ace2 to which CoV2 binds and TMPRSS2 that cleaves its Serine protein enabling entry. Only one report, so far provided useful information about expression of these genes in NK cells of lungs. From the 57,020 lung cells on the UMAP plot only NK cells expressing Ace2-TMPRSS2 connected Muscle, Fibroblasts, T-Cells and Macrophages.

A four year experiment tracked bar-coded NK cells introduced to rhesus macaque's. The results indicated that during homeostasis and moderate proliferative stress, peripheral, compartmentalized, self-renewal can maintain the composition of distinct, differentiated NK cell sub-populations.

Blunted categorizations of NK receptor expressions may be a sub-set limitation, but the good news is that more recent research is defining NK cells in increasingly diverse ways. We are also learning to identify diseases that infect NK cells including influenza, that induces apoptosis, HIVHepatitis c and Epstein Bar. A study found peptide specific recognition of human cytomegalovirus strains control expansion of adaptive NK cells. Another Covid19 study compared the transcriptome in lung tissues of older patients, including NK cells and concluded that genes induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection tend to increase in expression with aging, and vice versa.

Although still a little abstract for science, its plausible that a cell contracting a disease could recall its NK 'memory cell', its NK anti-cell counterpart to annihilate it because it differentiated beyond its NK anti-cell phenotype range. If true, an indiscriminate disease that also targeted the NK anti-cell and eliminated it would prevent annihilation of its phenotype differentiated counterpart cells. By example, SARS-CoV2 would also bind the Ace2-TMPRSS2 expressing NK anti-cell, infect and kill it then NK immune resistance would be compromised and cell differentiation may rapidly progress to become lethal.